Support for non-profit organizations
The Effectivo Communications team places a great emphasis, on social care-taking. Our colleagues and the owners of our company, also agree that we must help, wherever we can with our professional knowledge. One of our biggest aims is to support such associations and foundations who are the everyday heroes who help, those in need, those with any physical or mental disabilities, and also individuals fighting dangerous illnesses or syndromes.
Our company is a committed sponsor of the Varázs Babszem Foundation. The aim of this foundation is to help all children and young adults fighting the Hodking and non-Hodking lymphoma syndrome. Due to our personal connection to this syndrome, we find it really important to help all families who are in need of financial or material support.
During our partnership with the foundation, our company was given the opportunity to contribute to PwC’s civil mentor programme. As part of this sponsorship, Effectivo Communications has offered to host pro bono consultations, to foundations and associations, taking part in the mentor programme. Our aim is to help these participants, increase the quality of their online presence and appearance, in order to do their services more effectively.

The main programme of PwC is hosted to help participating foundations and associations to grow and improve. During the programme, participants are taking part in several developmental lectures, and consultations. They are educated by professionals in several fields, such as marketing and strategy.
At the dawn of the three months long course, all participants are asked to present a professional lecture, where they introduce themselves as a non-profit business unit. At the end of the programme organizations are offered the opportunity to take part in an additional six months of consultations and mentoring by PwC.
Our company is taking part in the first three months of the programme as a pro-bono consultant partner, in the field of online-marketing.

Our company would like to help the foundation, widen their client base, and gather social recognition, to maintain the memory of Zsolt Erőss, and help all children in need. We will be concentrating on content creation, so the foundation will be able to raise attention in the online space.
The Élmény Tár’s main goal is to teach local kids living in poverty, about basic social concepts such as democracy, equal human rights etc. They also have a talent program, where they offer private lessons, and small group lectures to ambitious children. Within the talent program, they educate participants about significant professional fields, such as IT and biology. The association of Élménylelő Fiatalok, is built of young adults, who are taking part in the everyday workflows of Élmény Tár.
While working with the association, our main goal is to provide them, online tools which will help them recruit new members, build their online presence and will be helpful to get greater social attention in their area.
Their main goal is to build such a community, where all members can count on each other, where mutual trust, and respect is present. They encourage their members to take an active role in social care-taking and community building.
Along our partnership, we are looking forward to building a great online community platform, with the use of social media, along with teaching the association’s leaders the use of online tools, useful to widen their circle.
Along our campaign, we will continue to support the Varázs Babszem Foundation, to support it’s growth, and online recognition.
What is non-Hodgkin lymphoma?
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma is a type of cancer that develops in the lymphatic system, a network of vessels and glands spread throughout your body. The lymphatic system is part of your immune system. Clear fluid called lymph flows through the lymphatic vessels and contains infection-fighting white blood cells known as lymphocytes.
In non-Hodgkin lymphoma, the affected lymphocytes start to multiply in an abnormal way and begin to collect in certain parts of the lymphatic system, such as the lymph nodes (glands).
The affected lymphocytes lose their infection-fighting properties, making you more vulnerable to infection. The most common symptom of non-Hodgkin lymphoma is a painless swelling in a lymph node, usually in the neck, armpit or groin.
The goals of Varázs Babszem Foundation
- support patience for medical treatments
- Travel support of patience for medical purposes
- creating appropriate environment at home and in hospitals
- mental and physical rehabilitation
- alternative treatments
- community integration after the disease
Find out more and donate to the foundation. Visit their website.