Marketing strategy
Our online marketing approach starts with creating the online marketing strategy. Our very first step is to understand the needs of our client and seize the task. Following this, we undertake a thorough analysis. During this, we deep dive into the industry, map the competition and all previous communications. Then we analyse the online assets of our clients including the website and social media pages and we recommend improvements with special attention to SEO.
As a second step, we create a consumer profiling. Within this, we study the online behaviours, channel preferences, understand where they spend time and how to the interact. Key questions are: Where channel are in use? What do they search for? What information do they need? Answering these questions established the basis to our communication strategy.
Furthermore, we leverage the awareness to trial communication funnel and identify the best marketing mix. At every stage, we define the key communication messages and even illustrate them with specific examples.
What’s more? We focus on budget and results forecasting. We create various scenarios for our clients with marketing calendars from 3 to 12 months ahead.
Lastly, we setup measurements for all campaigns and activities.
The structure of our online marketing strategy:
- Briefing, goal setting, client needs
- Assessing the landscape – Online assets, SEO
- Industry trends, competition, keyword research
- B2B or B2C consumer profiling
- Awareness to trial communication funnel
- Defining the communication messages
- Recommended marketing mix
- Campaign structures, action plan
- Budget and result scenarios
- Measurements, KPIs, monitoring
- Summary SWOT
- Appendix